Monday, September 22, 2008

Cizik, A Pro Obama Evangelical Republican?

Wow. This is interesting although speaking at Colorado College is preaching to the choir. I don't know much about this man. I'm not endorsing him. This just seems interesting--to find someone who has stood up to Dobson and others and has survived. It is a sign of the shift within Evangelicals. Dobson isn't revered in the same way he was even during the last election. My hope is that more Evangelicals like him speak out and continue to demonstrate that you can be very conservative theologically and apply those ideas progressively. This may seem crass, but I mean it sincerely: it is impossible for us to consider that Jesus could ever be a one issue voter. He participated in the creation of the whole of the cosmos. He'd be concerned about so many issues that face us today. Click Here

Richard Cizik, the chief lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals, was named one of TIME's 100 most influential people.
Richard Cizik, the chief lobbyist for the National Association of Evangelicals, was named one of TIME's 100 most influential people.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Oh Josh, Oh Josh, Oh Josh...where are you? I'm calling you tomorrow and damit you better pick up.

Thanks for posts and links. Great stuff!

Love, brother.
